Anyone else love Moana?
Here is who I most relate to.
One moment I am Te Fiti. Graceful Mother, lover, nurturer, giver, graceful, abundant. And then I can go real Te Ka. 😂 Rage, fire, anger, spewing out chaotically.
It happens. We are nature. Nature ebbs and flows.
The heart was restored through Moana’s courage to journey the waters (emotions) despite family patterns. She found courage through her ancestry, tried to restore the heart by mimicking Maui’s masculinity, but ultimately was able to restore the heart through softening. Her compassion, intuition, and love restored the heart and Te Ka softened back into Te Fiti, bringing abundance to her life. As within, so without .
This movie is a masterpiece! 😂
Heal your Te Ka through love and compassion today! 💚💚💚