We have a beautiful full moon this week. Please take a moment to pause, moon gaze, and reflect. Some things that came up for me was my place in relationships with my family. How can I show up more authentically? Sometimes as the baby of the family I tend to just follow everyone’s lead, but I’m beginning to realize by not using my voice I may be doing a disservice to myself and my family. Just because I’m the baby doesn’t mean they can’t learn from me too.
Another aspect I’ve been working with is accountability. Realizing I have control over my own energy and how I show up in this life. I create my own peace and joy. It’s up to me and only me to take a deep breath, ground myself, slow down, and savor the present moment. I’m releasing the victim mindset and owning the power I have to control my own energy. 🤍✨
What’s coming up for you this full moon?