What do you need to release before the new moon this weekend?
I have been attempting to detox my womb space!
It’s been a JOURNEY. I was diagnosed with PCOS and struggled to become pregnant with my son! After trying naturally for a year we ended up seeing a fertility specialist and I took hormones to finally be able to ovulate and get pregnant. It worked great and I am so thankful for that journey because my cute son is here now. But it sucked, lol. The medicine and hormones were rough on me mentally, emotionally, and physically.
So I am on a journey to regulate my cycles holistically! I’ve been doing a lot of research and wanted to share the findings I’ve been implementing.
The PCOS girls podcast has had lots of great great great info.
Incorporating more healthy fats into my diet!
Cutting back on processed foods and adding more whole foods
RED RASPBERRY LEAF TEA daily, so yummy!
Womb/belly massage (there’s a how to video on YT)
Nervous system/stress support with lemon balm tea and CBD supplements
Yoga or walks outside daily
A lot of water
Womb and divine masculine/feminine meditations on the insight timer app
Reflecting/journaling on the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience
My cycles aren’t regular still but I’ve noticed a difference in tummy bloating and mood!
Some new things I am wanting to incorporate are working with a herbalist and somatic movement!
Have you experienced anything similar?